Introduction to Linocut. 1 day. £90.
saturday 22 February 2025
FRIday 11 april 2025
* if you prefer, you may contact me to book a place via the contacts page

Example of students' work
This workshop teaches the basic techniques of making a linocut.
In the morning you will choose from a selection of suggested designs as a starting point (with room for interpretation).
You will then learn how to transfer the design onto your lino.
We will then consider the different types of cutting tools available, what they are best suited for and how to use them safely. You will then practice cutting techniques and mark making on a sample piece of lino before cutting your design.
In the afternoon there will be a demonstration of inking-up methods and how to print with and without a press. You will also learn how to make a registration board so that you could go on to print from several blocks. You will then print your plate in a variety of colours and time permitting, on a range of different backgrounds.
Information will also be given on types of ink, both opaque and transluscent, registration methods, paper and tools available and also advice about colour mixing.
At the end of the course you will have made a small edition of both monochrome and coloured prints, that can be framed for the wall or made into cards.
Details of materials suppliers will be available so the you can continue to make prints at home.
10.00 Arrive
11.30 Coffee
1.00 Lunch
2.30 Tea
4.00 Finishing up.
Refreshments. Lunch, Tea, Coffee and homemade cake are all included. Please let me know if there are foods that you need to avoid.
Accommodation - please contact me for information about places to stay in the area.
Course materials. All materials are included.
What to bring. Wear old clothes. Apron.
A gallery of students' work
(click on thumbnails for a larger view)